Is it dream or spirit visitation?

Most of your dreams are creations of your subconscious mind. This is where all of your beliefs, your traits, and your memories are stored.


When your conscious mind is asleep. 

Your subconscious mind begins to spin its wheels. 


In a dream, your subconscious mind has a general theme, lesson, or idea to communicate and so it selects dream characters to play that scenario.


Your subconscious selects the dream characters based on all the people you have met in your life or in past lives, (whether you consciously remember them or not doesn’t matter).


Sometimes deceased loved ones do play roles as dream characters… these are not spirit visitation dreams. 


Your subconscious mind needs a loving grandmotherly figure, and so your grandmother, although deceased, plays the dream character role…


…because her personality and how you perceive her helps your subconscious mind to depict the story through your dream.


This kind of dream is different from an actual spirit visitation dream.


So, what is spirit visitation?

In a spirit visitation, a soul uses the gateway of sleep to connect with you. 


It is through your dreams that spirit/source energy/higher self can connect with you without your rational thought and restless mind getting in the way.


Visitations are extremely vivid and life like. You may feel that you are in fact living this dream and not just dreaming it.


Many people are quick to brush off visitation dreams, one of clients from 2008-2013 encountered 4 dream visitation from people who have crossed over to spirit world. 


In 2 of these visitations, she woke up terrified believing that spirit was still living as it felt like real life. The person, the place, the whole experience was extremely real to her. 


She was so in shock by the experience that when she woke up, she checked with her family about the person.


You will know whether or not you have had a visitation because it is unlike the experience of a regular subconscious dream. 


It feels real, and tangible. 

It may leave you feeling puzzled and perplexed. 


Dream visitations are nothing be afraid of! Although they might at first startle you, this is spirit’s way of letting you know they are okay and that they are with you.



Love & Light,

ShriViral Manek