SMARTU key to successful magic

I am often asked for secrets to success in magic. Here is a concept for developing goals that will increase the success of your practical magical work.


I hope this will increase your appetite for doing more magic! For the greatest success in your magic, make magic SMART goals.


The concept of SMART goals moved from the mystical to the world of business management in 1950s.


The concepts were well known to mystics and magicians but were organised and clarified by Peter Drucker in his book, The Practice of Management. 


I am reversing that now.


SMART is an acronym (called a ‘notarikon’ in the kabalah) for five qualities each goal should exhibit to achieve greatest success.


S—Your magic goal should be Specific. The more concrete you can make your goal, the more likely you are to achieve it.


M—Your magic goal should be Measurable. You should be able to say when you have achieved the goal. Further, the more meaningful the goal is to you, the more likely you are to achieve it.


A—Your magic goal should be Attainable. As a general rule, if someone else has achieved something, there is no reason why you cannot also achieve it.


R—Your magic goal should be Realistic.


T—Your magic goal should have a Time frame that is realistic and achievable.


Personally, I would add an “U” to this, making it “SMARTU”. I assert that your magic goals should also be “Unbiased”. By that I mean your goals should be good for you, good for people around you, and good for the planet.


What do you think?



To your magic,


Sshreevidhyaa Iyer