“Access your inner freedom”

Sudha Murthy, the wife of Narayan Murthy, was a guest at the famous Kapil Sharma show.

For those who don’t know Narayan Murthy, the owner of Infosys.

Ok, why was she on the show… NO, she is not an artist from the film industry, but she is an excellent character in life.

Sudhaji is a witty, pleasant, happy and confident lady. She has these qualities, not being a rich wife, but because she has these qualities, she is a rich human being.

I recommend every female must read more about her life no matter at whatever stage of life you are in.

One aspect of her that appeal me, was her sheer positivity to play the game of life.

I have come across many great females in my life and I shall talk about them in future but none compare to her.

As a master from beyond there is only one message for every female:

“access your inner freedom”

Females are the most powerful. They only need to remember that!

A master from beyond,

ShriViral Manek

P.S.: Before you go click on this link to get my FREE audio program “Basics of Recode” here is it: https://ppureenergygurukul.com/courses/basics-of-re-code/