About Us

Our Story
PPure Energy Gurukul is founded by Shri Viral Manek, a renowned author, psychologist, energy worker, mystic guru & Sshreevidhyaa an excellent clairvoyant, money alchemist, healer, vaastu expert, gem therapist giving latest and greatest tools for easing into your power and making the most out of life.
They have unique abilities that allow them to work across multiple dimensions as we are all multi-dimensional beings and there are many invisible aspects that influence our human form.
Meet Our Lead Instructors

Shri Viral Manek
Mystic Master, Coach, Energy Healer, Divya Shakti Founder Trainer, Spiritual Business Consultant, IC

Psychic Reading,Tarot Reading Numerologist,VastuExpert, GemTherapy, MysticHealing, PastLifeTherapy
What Our Students Have to Say
Love It...
was not into meditation at first
but things started to happen to
me so a friend who knows Viralji
told me to look into it and did
and am sold! My life has been
better been happier than ever.
Oh yeah, | love it with my heart!
Viralji is so courteous! Very
professional and patient. am
very blessed having him in my
life. After a few sessions with him
my inner awareness has elevated
a great deal.

Business Owner
My inner strength
Viralji helps me a lot every time when | don’t feel good. He
helps me find answers to my questions. His availability and
effects are indescribable. As soon as | have a hard time to deal
with certain stress in my life, | contact him and he brings me
the support | need to find myself back in a good place again.
Viralji helps me feel better with his ever expanding power that
helps me unlock my inner strength.

Ad Maker
| Was Skeptical At First
| am a person who always lacked self-confidence and do not know how to manage my
emotions and was on medications but | wanted to be off it. So, | talked about my situation
to a friend who suggested me to get help by taking a non-meditative approach and so |
attended Divya Sshakti. At first | was skeptical and did not really know what to think of it.
But after three days, | have put my life in order and | no longer need those medications.
Dear Viralji, | owe you a big thank you for your help and advice, THANK YOU.

Corporate Trainer
The Shining Light
Viralji is a shining light of unconditional love, generosity, skill,
and care. | am grateful for his assistance, kindness, and powers
of attention and healing powers. Viralji’s has the power to tap
in and give solution is very evident, as is his commitment to
helping others in authentic search for health, happiness and
harmony. He serves the Planet and all Beings.

House Maker