What is the Secrets of Healing?

If you ask me what the first step of getting your life together, and I will tell you that everything starts with working toward healing. If you just smirked, trust me, you aren’t alone. The moment I say “healing”, a large majority of people shut down.
Why? Because it requires work, challenging, sometimes grueling work. There is risk involved. It can change and even break relationships.
As adults, there is a wealth of “knowledge” at our fingertips, but even that has its limits. I mean, have you ever Googled the word healing? If you haven’t, don’t do it now! The sheer number of hits will make your head spin, and the endless rabbit hole reading will drive you mad.
But all jokes aside, healing is complicated because most of us are not taught how to properly heal, when needed. It’s not like most of us are given useable, fundamental knowledge to move through your experiences in a healthy and grounded manner, whether in our childhood homes or within the education system.
And that’s why, in this class, you will find not only the secrets of doing effect healing but also secret ways to get maximum results from your healing, here is what you will discover in this class:

Your Teacher

“ShriViral Manek”

ShriViral Manek, having divine mystical powers, has the ability to tune into many parallel worlds and other dimensions. So named as the “Man from Beyond” for his accuracy, he works closely with healers, spiritual practitioners, tarot experts, professional practitioners, and businesspeople to read their energy, provide remedies, and put them on the path chosen for them by divine.

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27th July 2024

8:00 PM Onwards

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