What is Secret of Meditation?

You don’t have to be a monk to know the secret of meditation.

Many people give up on meditation too soon. Due to this, they miss the opportunity of a lifetime. Maybe you have tried it and given up before? You may even feel guilty about stopping and starting in the past.
One thing is for sure, you are definitely not alone and if you are convinced that your mind is too busy to meditate, the continuous chatter that keeps happening in your mind.
But here is the thing… this class is pragmatic and will help you learn how to drop below your busy mind and find that calm silence that’s waiting for you beneath all the noise.

In this class, you will find not only the secret of doing effective meditation but also secret ways to get maximum results from your meditation, here is what you will discover:

Your Teacher

“ShriViral Manek”

ShriViral Manek, having divine mystical powers, has the ability to tune into many parallel worlds and other dimensions. So named as the “Man from Beyond” for his accuracy, he works closely with healers, spiritual practitioners, tarot experts, professional practitioners, and businesspeople to read their energy, provide remedies, and put them on the path chosen for them by divine.

Telugu translation done by:

“Raaj Shekhar”

Money (Life) Coach & Author


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12th June 2024

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